From the course: Growing Your Small Business with LinkedIn

Finding leads and clients on LinkedIn - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: Growing Your Small Business with LinkedIn

Finding leads and clients on LinkedIn

- [Instructor] LinkedIn can help with finding quality leads and clients for your products and services. Now, there are a number of tools we can use. With your company's page, we can use the Company tab, Product pages and Showcase pages. Your LinkedIn profile can also be a resource. You can use the profile itself to find leads, and you can create a services page as well. So let's go into depth on each of these. The My Company tab is available if you have more than 10 employees. It gives them access to an employee-only experience. And you can leverage this network of employees to build brand awareness. It also allows your employees to become advocates for your business. A Product page is dedicated to showcasing your products and offerings. It can generate highly qualified leads, and build a trusted community of experts and advocates around your product. You can also spotlight featured customers, leverage media, and drive action with a custom call-to-action button. Showcase pages are extensions of your LinkedIn company page. They allow you to highlight individual brands, business units, and initiatives. This way, you can target specific audiences if you need to differentiate your offerings. Your LinkedIn profile is another place to generate leads. It allows you to connect with LinkedIn's large community of professionals. You can raise awareness of your products, services, and initiatives through engaging posts. You can also build community by interacting with others in the network. A LinkedIn Service page lets you showcase your services at no cost. Potential clients can contact you for free, regardless of connection degree. The services on your service page will display on the feeds of your network, and be discoverable by members who are, and aren't in your network. Now service providers can also access requests, projects, client lists, and review invitations through their Service page. So all of these will help you to generate better leads and clients.
