From the course: Growing Your Small Business with LinkedIn

Create a free job post - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: Growing Your Small Business with LinkedIn

Create a free job post

- [Instructor] Once you know you need to expand, you can create a job post for free. We'll be talking about how to let your network know that you're hiring and also how to find that right person, but the first step has to be getting your post on LinkedIn. There is a process to make it easy for you and a little bit less overwhelming. The first thing you need to do is identify what those needs are. What role, how many roles, how many people do you need for each role, and what timeline are you looking at to hire these people? After that you need to write a job description, and that's where LinkedIn can really help you. You're a small business owner, you may not even know what that job description is to attract the right candidates. LinkedIn has done your work for you. They have how-to-hire guides for over 70 roles and 130 customizable job description templates that you can use, and I'll be showing you those in just a few moments. After you have your job description, then it's time to post your job. Finally, if you're not getting the right applicants don't be afraid to fine tune that job description and make changes, it's perfectly okay. Let's go back and take a look at the how-to-hire guides. You can find these guides by pointing your browser to /talent-acquisition/how-to-hire-guides. I know we've been going to a lot of these guides, and they're fantastic, so that's why I'm taking the time to point out all these resources that are available to you. So you need to start by looking for the particular role that you need to hire. For this example, I'm going to choose a Copywriter. I'll select that role, and there's a complete guide to hiring a Copywriter. It tells me what they do, some skills to look for, how many there are on LinkedIn, what skills I should look for that a Copywriter should have, and, finally, I can learn how to interview them and get a job description template for that Copywriter. Let's click on that. Here's a sample Copywriter job description. There's objectives, and responsibilities, and skills and qualifications, and I can change any of these, it's just a great starting point. For now, I'm going to copy this so that I have something to work with to show you how to create a job post. Once we have that description, we're ready to post the job for free. The very top of the screen, I'm going to click Jobs. From here, on the left-hand side of the screen, I'll click Post a free job. For my job title, I'm going to write Senior Copywriter. Here's my Company, here's the Job location, and I can choose the Employment type. I'll click Get started for free, and here's where I can add the job description. Now there was more to it, but, again, I'm just doing this so that it's quick and I can show you the process. I can add skills, I can add a How did you hear about us? I'll click Continue, and I can choose how I want to receive the applicants. I can choose an External Website or Email. I'll be talking about these screening questions in the next video, but when you're all ready to go you can click Post job for free. I'm not going to do this now because I do not want to post a job that doesn't exist, but does the process. Identify your needs, use those how-to-hire guides to find the perfect job description, you can even change it and customize it to fit your needs, and, finally, post your job for free. Once it's posted, again, you can edit it, so don't be afraid to make changes.
