From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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What you need for this course - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

What you need for this course

- Here's what you'll need to work along with me in this course. First, some hardware recommendations. Available RAM is the amount of memory that you have that you can use that, for example, windows isn't using or other applications that you're running aren't using. And you need at least a gigabyte of available RAM to be able to run Power BI Service. But that's the minimum. One and a half gigabytes is recommended and I would recommend an even higher number if you're going to be running Power BI in an organization for part of your job. If you have a computer that has eight gigabytes of available RAM, then you can use bigger files and you'll be much happier than if you only had one and a half gigabytes or two gigabytes. Your CPU must be one gigahertz or faster, 64 bit processor, but the recommendation is a 3.2 gigahertz processor. Display settings are something that most of us simply set once and then we ignore, but with…
