From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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View a report

View a report

- [Instructor] There are many different ways we can open a report. If we're working with a dashboard, the way you open a report could be to go through one of the tiles. For example, if I click the "more" button on a particular tile and choose "go to report," I will be taken unerringly to the report that this visualization appeared on, the report that I created so I could create that dashboard. And here we are. This is a four page report, market share YTD category, sentiment and growth opportunities. And I got here by, again, clicking on any tile that came from that report. How else could I have gotten here? I could be home, and go to my recent items, and if I've recently gone into that report I can choose it here. If I haven't, I can always search for a report if I wish to. We have sales and marketing sample, and I could click and start typing, and the list will fill out, here's sales and marketing sample. And this…
