From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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View a report with the mobile app

View a report with the mobile app - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

View a report with the mobile app

- [Instructor] We're not limited to our dashboards here in the mobile app, we can also view our reports. So here's the report that we've been working with. And notice that if you turn your phone sideways, it's a lot easier to be able to view reports. If you want to go to different pages there's a toolbar that opens at the bottom. Just pull down slightly and there's your pages list. So then I can go to a different page. Just pull down slightly. Your filters are available to you here and they're showing you the filters for each page. If you wanted to modify your filters. If you want to work with comments, that's the button here on the left and on the right hand side under more, you have the ability to annotate slides here, which is sort of slick. If I want to annotate a slide and then push that annotation off to someone else I can. Just choose annotate and that particular page will be opened up for you to annotate,…
