From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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Sign up for Power BI

Sign up for Power BI

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to sign up for Power BI. If you are already signed up, if you have a license and have been using or checking out Power BI just hang out while the rest of us do this. To start, I'm going to go to You'll end up on a page that looks something like this. This page changes on a regular basis, but what you're looking for are the possibilities that are noted on this page. First, if you already have an account for Power BI, you can just sign in. If not, you can start for free using either of these links. So I'm going to click Start Free. There's another link that says Try Power BI for free, and then you'll enter your email address. Now you need to have a work email address or an organizational email address to sign into Power BI. Let me show you what happens if I use an email address that is not a valid address. I'm going to use a Gmail address and click Submit. I'll…
