From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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Filter and cross-filter a report

Filter and cross-filter a report - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

Filter and cross-filter a report

- [Instructor] I'm on the second page, the year-to-date category page in my report. On the right hand side I see information about filters. Filters on this page, for example, the only filter is by year. That looks good. I'm going to collapse the pages pane so I have a little more room, but still leave the filters pane open. The first section of the filter here on the right shows me that this page is being filtered by year. Now we already know how filters work broadly from our dashboards, which is if I want to erase or remove the filter for year, for example I could just click the Clear Filter button. I can also click the dropdown and I can choose some other years to include. So if I wanted to include 2014 and 2015, I just check them both. And notice how my chart just changed with the inclusion of 2015. And my other charts change as well. These are the filters that are applied on this page. I'm going to reset back…
