From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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Export a report to a PDF or PowerPoint

Export a report to a PDF or PowerPoint - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

Export a report to a PDF or PowerPoint

- [Instructor] As with our dashboard, we have the ability to export a report to a PDF and a couple of different ways to do it in PowerPoint. So if I choose Export, PDF, I can choose to export with the current values which are the values as I've filtered this report, if I have, or the default values which would be the values when the report opens. If I choose, I can export only the current page. So I'm going to do that because it'll be quick and easy. But if I had multiple pages of the report each would be a page in my new PDF. When the PDF has been generated and I open it, there we go, there's my PDF. And so if I want to share a snapshot of this report, particularly with users who don't have access to Power BI or don't have permission in my organization to directly access Power BI, then a PDF is a pretty good way to do it. We also have a couple of ways that we can export in PowerPoint. One of them is ready for primetime…
