From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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Copy a tile as a visual

Copy a tile as a visual

- [Gini] There are other things you can do specifically with tiles. For example, I'm creating a report in Microsoft Word and I want to grab one of these tiles and place it in the report. Simply point to the upper right hand corner, click the more button and choose copy visual as image. It'll take a second. Microsoft is actually wrapping this all up as an object so that we can put it someplace else. And by the way, I could put this into Excel or PowerPoint or OneNote in the same way because I'm simply doing a clipboard copy here. And then close, I'm going to now toggle over to Microsoft Word to my document and click where I want to place this and paste. I get my image below that I get a hyperlink to open in Power BI. And below that information about the image that I don't have to keep if I don't want to, if I want to delete some of this just this text, I can and keep just the link, up to you, but our user can just click…
