From the course: Game Design Foundations: 3 Pitch, Propose, and Practice

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Entering the game industry

Entering the game industry

- [Instructor] If you're interested in entering the game industry, congratulations. Having been here over 35 years myself, I think it's a great decision. We're a young industry, we're growing. And while we have our rough edges sure, there's no place I would rather be. Where to start? First off, create a comprehensive list of where you would like to work. Identify both companies where you would like to work, as well as areas you would like to live. And this'll help you focus your search. You can locate your primary geographic interest on a map and then figure out what companies are in that area. LinkedIn is a great tool for this and so is Gamedevmap. Keep in mind that you might not get your first, or even your second choice. Your primary goal at this point is just getting into the industry. Getting your first or second choice gets much easier after your first couple of jobs. When you first begin to look for jobs, you'll very quickly notice one thing: most gigs require experience. If…
