From the course: Game Design Foundations: 1 Ideas, Core Loops, and Goals

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- [Instructor] Goals, like players, are a fairly obvious component of gameplay. A game without a goal is merely a toy. A child takes that toy out to play with it, but she doesn't have a specific win condition in mind. Games, however, have very clear goals for the player. A goal is a victory condition of the game, but it's also the smaller steps along the way. In video games, we often call goals quests or missions. Hence, the name for this type of design is referred to as quest or mission design, and designers who specialize in this type of design are referred to, not surprisingly, as quest or mission designers. Goals are important milestones for players. They provoke players to use the core of the game, their core skills to progress, through the game's core loop and the game itself. Player receive rewards, become better, and are able to take on bigger goals. Through goals, players are incentivized to grow in experience level, or in their own mastery of the game. Goals may have the…
