From the course: Excel: VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP for Beginners

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Creating a simple VLOOKUP

Creating a simple VLOOKUP

- [Instructor] If you're using Office 2019 or lower, such as Office 2016, you need to use VLOOKUP to accomplish the same thing as XLOOKUP. The two formulas are a little bit different. VLOOKUP is a little bit, I like to say clunkier, but I say it fondly because it's still a really powerful formula. It's just not as elegant as XLOOKUP. I'm going to show you what some of those differences are so you'll understand. I have everything here set up just the same way. We're going to be looking at our state and finding out whether it's active or inactive. So to get started with VLOOKUP we do it the same way. I'll put it in equal sign and I'll type VLOOKUP. I'll put in my open parentheses and immediately the help file pops up. Now, as you can see with the exception of lookup_value, these names and things that it's looking for, the perimeters, they're not as helpfully titled as XLOOKUP. They're not as friendly. So they may look a…
