From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Work with formulas and formats: Decimals and fractions

Work with formulas and formats: Decimals and fractions - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Work with formulas and formats: Decimals and fractions

- [Instructor] Most Excel users at one time or another 2 need to deal with formats involving numbers and decimals. 3 Working with fractions is less common, 4 but let's check out both of these 5 using different techniques. 6 If you're a baseball fan, you know that batting average 7 is calculated by taking the number of hits, 8 and it doesn't make any difference 9 whether they're home runs or doubles or whatever, 10 the number of hits divided by times at bat. 11 So imagine this batter right here, what's his average? 12 Equal the number of hits divided by times at bat. 13 But in baseball terminology, we would call this 318 14 and we certainly don't want it displayed like that. 15 So first order of business might be on the home tab. 16 Let's use the comma button and let's display three decimals. 17 So to the right we can increase the number of decimals, 18 but there's still that leading zero out there 19 that we wouldn't…
