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Using wildcards in the new XLOOKUP and XMATCH functions

Using wildcards in the new XLOOKUP and XMATCH functions - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Using wildcards in the new XLOOKUP and XMATCH functions

- [Instructor] If you have Microsoft 365, 2 you have access to two new functions, XLOOKUP and XMATCH, 3 and these two functions are designed to be game changers. 4 XLOOKUP matches all the capabilities 5 and more of both VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP, 6 and XMATCH is designed to replace the MATCH function. 7 And admittedly, the examples we're seeing here 8 might seem a little obscure, 9 but wildcards themselves might be in that category too. 10 We're first of all looking for the employee in this list 11 that has the letter P in the license numbering. 12 Now, long story short, let's say the license characters 13 that are being used here have meaning 14 regarding employment status, location, 15 or years of service, something to do with the employee. 16 We're looking for the letter P here in the license column. 17 So XLOOKUP, anytime you type this = XL, just press tab. 18 It's the only function that begins with XL. 19 What are we…
