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Using the new UNIQUE function to count and copy unique list entries

Using the new UNIQUE function to count and copy unique list entries - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Using the new UNIQUE function to count and copy unique list entries

- If you have the latest Office 365 updates, you now have available in Excel a function, I've long wanted to see. It's called, UNIQUE. How do we count the number of unique entries in column B? You can see by looking at the list, there are some repeats. If we sort the data, that's not really going to help. How do we do this? Until this function has been around, a formula for doing this, not the easiest, an array formula, somewhat complex. The new UNIQUE function can not only give us a count here, but also and maybe more important, give us an entirely new list just of unique entries. And, we might consider doing this in column C. Not all the states are represented here. Which ones are? How many are? Where is a list of them? Let's start with a simple use of this new function called UNIQUE. Now, the data goes down to row 599, although you can use the entire column reference here that makes it easier for writing a…
