From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Using the LET function to simplify formulas via programming concepts

Using the LET function to simplify formulas via programming concepts - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Using the LET function to simplify formulas via programming concepts

- [Instructor] In Excel, 2 there's a relatively new function called LET. 3 It's particularly useful if you use nested IF functions 4 or nested IFS functions. 5 And in this particular workbook here, 6 we've got Hire Date in column B. 7 We're trying to come up with some kind of a tenure 8 based on what we're seeing in this blue box. 9 So if the number of days someone has been here 10 is over 6,000 days, it's going to be level five. 11 If not, we'll check to see if it's over 5,000 days, 12 level four, and so on and so on and so on. 13 And these formulas are set up in column D. 14 Now, for reference purposes, 15 what I've done in column E here, 16 and I'll double click on cell E2, 17 is simply use a function called FORMULATEXT 18 that's displaying the formula out of cell D2. 19 Doing this for reference purposes. 20 I tend to use this function a lot for documentation. 21 You're less likely to use it as often. 22 Now…
