From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Use special tricks for working with dates in charts

Use special tricks for working with dates in charts - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Use special tricks for working with dates in charts

- [Instructor] Excel's ability to handle 2 date and time arithmetic is a powerful tool, 3 and generally it works smoothly. 4 But when you're working with charts, 5 certain aspects of working with dates become problematic. 6 We've got some lists of data here 7 and you'll notice that this list here 8 and the one just below it are identical in all respects 9 except for the upper left hand corner, 10 and seemingly that should cause no particular problems. 11 Let's create a chart from the data. 12 rather than highlighting the data. 13 If the data that you want to use in a chart 14 is surrounded by empty cells and or worksheet boundaries, 15 you need only click within the data 16 and you can quickly get a chart with Alt F1, 17 looks pretty good. 18 And then you start looking at some of the details here. 19 First of all, looks like the years didn't get picked up 20 across the bottom it just says one through six. 21 Then…
