From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Use slicers and charts together for dynamic presentations

Use slicers and charts together for dynamic presentations - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Use slicers and charts together for dynamic presentations

- [Instructor] Starting in Excel 2010, 2 there's a new feature called a Slicer. 3 And in Excel 2010, 4 it was only available for pivot tables. 5 But starting in Excel 2013, 6 it's available for any data 7 that's been converted to a table. 8 In this worksheet, I've got a list in columns A, B, and C, 9 and same data has been reworked a bit, 10 it's also in columns E, F, and G. 11 Now, we could work with either one of these lists. 12 I'm going to work with the list on the right. 13 Here's what I'd like to be able to do. 14 I'd like to have a chart of this, 15 and I want it to be somewhat interactive 16 in the sense that as I'm meeting 17 with some HR professionals, 18 we'll be talking about some staffing issues. 19 And we want have the ability to use slicers 20 as we make our presentation. 21 One of the big advantages of slicers 22 is that we have a clear reminder at all times, 23 not only of what is being shown, 24…
