From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Use nonstandard fiscal years and quarters in PivotTables

Use nonstandard fiscal years and quarters in PivotTables - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Use nonstandard fiscal years and quarters in PivotTables

- [Instructor] When you work with dates within PivotTables, 2 it's very easy to segregate the data by years, 3 by quarters, by month, 4 as we're seeing in this PivotTable here. 5 The source data is over in columns A through E. 6 And notice the Date column is simply standard date entries. 7 Nothing unusual there. 8 Now, this layout is typical 9 and for many people it's just what they need. 10 But what if your fiscal year 11 is the way you calculate data by quarters? 12 What if your fiscal year begins in October or July? 13 The quarters, the way we see them here, are chronological, 14 and that's probably what a lot of people want. 15 But how do we deal with fiscal quarters, fiscal years? 16 There's no standard way within PivotTables to do this, 17 but we can make some changes in the source data 18 and then accommodate that information. 19 So in the source data, I'm going to zoom in 20 and put a new column to the left…
