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Use conditional formatting to overcome formatting limitations of the IF function

Use conditional formatting to overcome formatting limitations of the IF function - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Use conditional formatting to overcome formatting limitations of the IF function

- [Instructor] Excel's IF function is a powerful tool, 2 it allows us to come up with different answers 3 based on the test of a formula 4 or comparing two cells with a value. 5 Lots of different options there. 6 In this workbook here, 7 we want to use that in column I to come up with a bonus. 8 Now, a common question I hear frequently 9 is can we use the IF function to apply a format? 10 And the answer is no, but let's say no, not directly. 11 You can use it in combination with conditional formatting 12 and there is a possible option 13 of using conditional formatting 14 without the IF function in a worksheet cell. 15 So let's explore both options. 16 In this particular worksheet here, 17 we're going to apply a bonus here 18 based on people's job ratings. 19 And if the job rating is four or five, 20 these people will be getting a $3,000 bonus. 21 If their job rating is a three, they'll get a $1,500 bonus. 22 If…
