From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Use column or row references to create dynamic formulas

Use column or row references to create dynamic formulas - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Use column or row references to create dynamic formulas

- [Instructor] When you're writing formulas that refer to data in columns, sometimes it will make sense to refer to the entire column, particularly if it's a large list like the one we're looking at here. It's about 750 rows of data. I want to know what the total compensation amount is. They're coming out of column H. Now I can click column H and see that number in the status bar at the bottom, but I want it on the screen at all times. If you don't see that number, by the way, right-click on the status bar and consider checking not only some, but these other buttons as well. Now I'm going to write a formula right here. I'm not going to type equal S-U-M. Nothing wrong with that, of course. I'll press alt + equal, that's going to make it simpler, but now instead of typing in H2, colon H750 or whatever it might be, or highlighting all these cells from here downward, I'll simply click column H. That means add up all the…
