From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Transposing data and using the TRANSPOSE function

Transposing data and using the TRANSPOSE function - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Transposing data and using the TRANSPOSE function

- [Instructor] In Excel, the word transpose 2 is used in two different ways. 3 You can transpose data. 4 For example, the data on this worksheet called Transpose. 5 We could transpose this in such a way 6 that the months could appear, for example, 7 in column A, and Sales, Expenses, Profits across the top, 8 so we could transpose data. 9 There's also a function called transpose, 10 which has a similar yet distinctly different meaning. 11 Let's first approach this idea. 12 I'm looking at this thinking it probably would look better 13 if we had put the months over in column A. 14 And furthermore, I'm thinking of putting in the entire year, 15 the remaining six months here. 16 This is going to look a lot better 17 if it's oriented vertically. 18 So without destroying this and first highlighting it, 19 let's copy this data. 20 Either right-click copy or Control + C 21 or any other copying technique. 22 And elsewhere, it…
