From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Tracking down errors with the ISTEXT, ISNUMBER, and ISNONTEXT functions

Tracking down errors with the ISTEXT, ISNUMBER, and ISNONTEXT functions - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Tracking down errors with the ISTEXT, ISNUMBER, and ISNONTEXT functions

- [Instructor] When you work with numbers in Excel, 2 sometimes you run across a situation 3 where a number isn't really a number. 4 Numbers in Excel are all of the same width. 5 Look in column G, 6 every one of these is a valid numeric entry 7 and every character is exactly the same width. 8 So when we have a bunch of four digit numbers for example, 9 they all take up the same width on the screen. 10 But over in columns A and B, 11 and we're using different fonts here, 12 we see issues pop up immediately. 13 But when you've got a ton of data in a sea of numbers, 14 you sometimes don't see these. 15 But when you start to write formulas, we run into problems. 16 In the fourth row here, that's actually five 17 and a capital O nine followed by zero. 18 O's typically are wider 19 and it's more pronounced using arial font. 20 This is the font that used to be the standard in Excel 21 until 2007. 22 Some people still…
