From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Sorting by moving columns

Sorting by moving columns - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Sorting by moving columns

- [Instructor] For most Excel users, most of the time, 2 when you sort data, you move rows up and down. 3 Or to be a little bit more precise, you move portions 4 of rows up and down. 5 On this worksheet, called Two Year Daily Sales Report, 6 we might want to sort that list in columns A through E. 7 Because the data's all contiguous, 8 we don't have to highlight it ahead of time. 9 If I want to sort this data 10 so that the salespersons are alphabetical, 11 I'll simply click somewhere in column A, 12 but not the actual column letter, 13 and then on the data tab in the ribbon, simply click AZ, 14 and the rows move up and down within that list. 15 And if you had any doubt whatsoever, 16 of course, you could undo that 17 and check out this row or that row. 18 And that's what we do most of the time. 19 On the previous worksheet though, 20 we've got some different kinds of data. 21 This is sales data for every month in…
