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Show relationships between sets of values with a Scatter(XY) Chart

Show relationships between sets of values with a Scatter(XY) Chart - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Show relationships between sets of values with a Scatter(XY) Chart

- [Instructor] Although not as widely used 2 as some chart types, a scatter chart, 3 sometimes called an XY chart can be really 4 valuable when you're comparing two or more sets of values. 5 If you're looking at the green chart on the screen here, 6 I think you can quickly read what's going on 7 provided you know that it refers to a race, 8 99 people have taken part in a 10K race. 9 Their ages in the time it took 10 to finish the race are over in columns A and B. 11 The list happens to be sorted, 12 that's not a prerequisite for a chart, 13 but that's the order that we see them in. 14 And if you look at any individual point on the chart, 15 for example, this one right here that I'm pointing to, 16 what pops up on the screen is a reference 17 to the age of the person. 18 You can look at the horizontal axis across the bottom 19 of the screen and see that that person is 33 years old 20 and we see that in the entry here 21…
