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Rank data with the RANK and RANK.AVG functions

Rank data with the RANK and RANK.AVG functions - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Rank data with the RANK and RANK.AVG functions

- [Instructor] If we wanted to rearrange this list 2 in columns A through E based on salary, 3 we could certainly sort the list 4 and see how the salaries rank. 5 But sometimes we want to keep the list in a certain order. 6 We're concerned about other data here. 7 We want the ranking to always be part of the record. 8 And the data will change. 9 Let's imagine the salaries will change, 10 but how do we calculate the rank here? 11 Well, fortunately, we don't really have to calculate it. 12 We've got a function. 13 And as we start to type RANK, you'll notice 14 that there are actually three functions. 15 RANK and RANK.EQ are identical. 16 Probably in future versions of Excel, 17 there will no longer be a RANK, but there will be a RANK.EQ. 18 Let's use this one. 19 The salary in question is the one right here in E-2, 20 comma, and we're comparing that with other entries. 21 And where are the other entries? 22 They're…
