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Quick number formatting with keystroke shortcuts and icon buttons

Quick number formatting with keystroke shortcuts and icon buttons - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Quick number formatting with keystroke shortcuts and icon buttons

- Excel has a number of keystroke shortcuts for changing numeric formats. And we see them listed on this worksheet in two ways over in columns N through T. We see that by using control shift and then one of those six number keys or the key to the left of the number one. we can apply different kinds of formats. Also in the green panel below you'll see them listed in a slightly different way. Sometimes you encounter these keystroke shortcuts on the web or somebody tells you this one or that one. If you say, control shift three, that's the same as saying control shift hashtag or pound sign as you prefer. Control shift one, the same as control shift, exclamation point. We're talking about the same kinds of keystroke shortcuts here. Now, also available to us are some buttons on the home tab and the number group. And if I want to format the data in columns B and C and column D the same. I might want to use the comma…
