From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Quick formatting tips

Quick formatting tips

- [Instructor] Excel is a number 2 of keystroke shortcuts related to formatting, 3 certainly widely known by a lot of Excel users 4 as Control + B for bold. 5 And as we look at these on the Home tab in the ribbon, 6 we see the keystroke shortcut referred to here. 7 And, of course, there are other features 8 that we use in formatting that are not so well known. 9 They've got keystroke shortcuts, too. 10 For example, strikethrough. 11 When someone leaves this organization, 12 we don't delete the information 13 about that person for a while. 14 We simply indicate that the person has left 15 by using the formatting feature strikethrough. 16 This has no impact whatsoever on content. 17 Simply Control + 5 applies this feature. 18 This is what we also call a toggle. Control + 5 removes it. 19 In a different worksheet here, 20 I want to highlight this data here, not by using color, 21 but I want to put a border on it. 22…
