From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Page Setup tip: Print repeating titles, shrink-to-fit, landscape/portrait, double-spaced layout

Page Setup tip: Print repeating titles, shrink-to-fit, landscape/portrait, double-spaced layout - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Page Setup tip: Print repeating titles, shrink-to-fit, landscape/portrait, double-spaced layout

- [Instructor] In Excel, 2 printing is usually not a difficult process, 3 but there are lots of options and approaches, 4 a lot of entries you might say, into the printing process. 5 There's a Page Layout tab in the ribbon menu system 6 with some choices there that are certainly relevant. 7 In the lower right hand corner, there are those three icons. 8 And the one on the right is Page Break Preview. 9 I will use this from time to time. 10 And there's one in the middle there called Page Layout. 11 I think the easiest approach 12 is using the standard view of Excel here. 13 First of all, select the data that you want to print. 14 If I'm forgetting that, if I jump into Print Preview here 15 without highlighting the data, 16 I might have forgotten about the data down here 17 that I don't want to print. 18 So, I think it's best to highlight the data 19 that you want to print first. 20 I'll simply drag across this, go to…
