From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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New Excel 2016 chart types: Histogram, Pareto, and box, and whisker

New Excel 2016 chart types: Histogram, Pareto, and box, and whisker - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

New Excel 2016 chart types: Histogram, Pareto, and box, and whisker

- [Instructor] In Excel 2016, Microsoft introduced 2 a number of new chart types. 3 Among them are Histogram, Pareto, and Box and Whisker. 4 These three are interrelated. 5 On the insert tab in the ribbon, 6 you'll find them amongst these chart icons 7 on the icon that's got four columns, right here, 8 Inserts Statistic Chart. 9 Now you don't see the word Pareto at first, 10 but you do see Histogram. 11 But just to the right we see Pareto. 12 And below this, Box and Whisker. 13 So they're all found on this icon. 14 You might also encounter these 15 if you use recommended charts. 16 Let's first talk about Histogram. 17 On the screen is some data prepared in Excel 2013. 18 Here is an arbitrary list, every 10,000. 19 I want to calculate how many of these entries here 20 are up to and including 20,000, 21 you can certainly see that one ahead of time, 22 how many are from 20,000 up to 30,000? 23 This has been done…
