From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Link pictures of data ranges to changing data

Link pictures of data ranges to changing data - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Link pictures of data ranges to changing data

- [Instructor] We're looking at a workbook that has four quarterly sheets. Currently, we're looking at Quarter 1. And as I click Quarter 2 at the bottom of the screen, notice the layout is identical for each of the four quarters. And on the fourth quarter, as on the other sheets, we see raw data in these white cells here, over in columns B, C and D. And the yellow cells are formulas. On the Summary sheet, we've got a series of formulas in the blue cells here that are gathering data. For example, in cell B3, as I double-click, we see data being gathered from the Quarter 1 sheet. And based on the heading, you can see that's being done for the other quarters as well. And we've got some totals off to the right. Now what we'd like to be able to do, as we make changes and adjustments to the various quarterly sheets, we want to keep an eye on the data that's on the Summary sheet here. So as I go back to the Quarter 1 sheet…
