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How to use and not use SS numbers; fake SS numbers; display as XXX-XX-9999

How to use and not use SS numbers; fake SS numbers; display as XXX-XX-9999 - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

How to use and not use SS numbers; fake SS numbers; display as XXX-XX-9999

- In the United States, a Social Security number is often 2 used as an ID scheme 3 and no doubt many of you have heard about some 4 of the warnings concerning privacy and how these are used 5 and how they're displayed. 6 On this worksheet in column E 7 are some Social Security numbers. 8 Every one of them is invalid 9 and we'll get to that in a moment. 10 If you use sample data 11 and you want to generate Social Security numbers, 12 you could use a function called RANDBETWEEN. 13 Now, in the past I got a call from someone who said 14 that his social security number appeared in my list 15 and I thought, I want to make sure from now on 16 that anytime I use these numbers 17 that they're going to be invalid. 18 Now typically when we see Social Security numbers 19 that are displayed, the way we see them in column F, 20 every one of these is invalid. 21 If you think of the number as being in three separate 22…
