From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Handling dates with unusual formats

Handling dates with unusual formats - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Handling dates with unusual formats

- [Instructor] When you get data from other sources, 2 sometimes the way dates are entered are a bit unusual. 3 In column A, we're seeing some date entries here, 4 not typical. 5 And in columns B, C, and D, 6 we're putting in entries that could be interpretations 7 of how that data really should have been entered. 8 Now, it's highly unlikely with certain sets of data. 9 Would you ever have data covering the year 2011 10 and also the year 1920? 11 But as you look at the numbers, 12 you could see how that could be derived. 13 1920. 14 The year 1920 is the middle four digits here, 15 and there's a 12 in front of it, 16 there's an 11 on the end of it, 17 so it could be interpreted as December 11th of that year 18 or November 12th of that year. 19 And we see some other entries here 20 and how they might be interpreted. 21 And down here in row 9, 10, 11, 22 we're looking at recent dates, 2011. 23 But even there, 24…
