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Examples of TRANSPOSE and other functions working differently with the new calculation engine

Examples of TRANSPOSE and other functions working differently with the new calculation engine - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Examples of TRANSPOSE and other functions working differently with the new calculation engine

- [Instructor] On this worksheet, you're seeing a small set 2 of data over in row three through seven 3 and a chart below, depicting that data, 4 and off to the right in the blue panel is a formula 5 that might appear very unusual. 6 Over the last four years, Microsoft has introduced a number 7 of new functions in Excel, including some functions 8 that are known as dynamic array functions. 9 And furthermore, the way we work with certain formulas 10 has been simplified. 11 And that formula that we're seeing in the blue panel 12 can be used in the example we're going to show you right here. 13 A typical way to write the formulas that we're seeing 14 in row six, and I'll simply double click on cell B6 15 right here is simply to subtract those two, B4 minus B5, 16 and then copy that formula across 17 and that's the way this was done. 18 But I'm going to delete these 19 and use that other formula that we're seeing. 20 By…
