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Enhance readability with banded rows via conditional formatting

Enhance readability with banded rows via conditional formatting - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Enhance readability with banded rows via conditional formatting

- [Instructor] If you convert data to a table, 2 you automatically get a feature, 3 a visual feature called banded rows. 4 You have the option of choosing banded columns instead. 5 In this list here, it's not a table, 6 we might want to convert it to a table. 7 I'll press Ctrl T. That's one quick way to get there. 8 Make sure the option, my table has headers is accurate. 9 It is here. Click okay. 10 And we've got that application and now it's a table 11 and we see banded rows. 12 We have 61 different choices out here. 13 We could choose this to be banded columns, 14 unchecked banded rows, that look could be preferable. 15 Now not all data is a table. 16 In fact, if you want to be able to use this data 17 and introduce subtotals, you cannot do that 18 if this is a table 19 and the data tab here off to the right, 20 you can't use the subtotal feature. 21 That could be a reason for not wanting 22 to convert this to a…
