From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Display large values

Display large values

- [Instructor] On this worksheet called Large Value Formats, 2 we've got some big numbers in column B. 3 They're in the billions, some of them. 4 And in column C, some big numbers as well. 5 These are in the millions. 6 When you work with large values like this, 7 sometimes you want to be careful 8 not only when you're making presentations, 9 but just in dealing with the numbers themselves. 10 If you casually were to ask someone who knows these numbers, 11 "What's the population of Texas," for example, 12 if you look at this, you might say something like, 13 "Oh, it's 28.7 million." 14 Might even say 29 million. 15 But the point is, you're unlikely 16 to read off all these numbers. 17 And the point is sometimes we want 18 to display the values like that too. 19 Now, one approach could be the following. 20 Let's say we're focused on the populations. 21 In cell E2, I'm going to write a formula here, =C2, 22 and I'm…
