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Date calculation and formatting issues related to the 2029/2030 switch

Date calculation and formatting issues related to the 2029/2030 switch - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Date calculation and formatting issues related to the 2029/2030 switch

- If you work with dates and Excel you need to be aware of a potential problem that's lurking particularly with regard to data that might be in the next decade. I've got a worksheet here with some start dates and completion dates. And we're using a more compact display of the dates. Two digit years. An alternate way of displaying these by the way, not necessarily better. But, some people prefer it because it eliminates that momentary doubt. While you think out which month it is. It's control shift three, you see it in the yellow panel. Sometimes you'll see this referred to as control shift hashtag same combination. And this way it displays the months as three letters. I've seen examples by the way where this could be a little bit confusing. For example, the entry right here in cell B3. Is that September 23rd of 2018. No, it isn't. It's the 18th of September of 2023. I think most people don't have that confusion…
