From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Creating heat maps using conditional formatting

Creating heat maps using conditional formatting - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Creating heat maps using conditional formatting

- [Instructor] You may have heard the term heat map. 2 It's described on this worksheet 3 as a graphical representation of data, 4 where the individual values contained in the matrix 5 are represented as colors. 6 We've got two different worksheets here. 7 The first one has to do with monthly payments, 8 and these amounts here could be easily readjusted 9 to reflect higher numbers 10 or possibly be used for examples 11 like buying a car or a boat, something like that. 12 And similarly, we've got interest rates across the top here. 13 What we'd like to do is have a whole series of answers here, 14 showing us the monthly payment for each of these loans 15 based on the amount in the percent here. 16 And let's say for the moment, all of these are 360 months. 17 We're going to be doing this 18 by way of what's called a Data Table. 19 If you haven't seen that feature, 20 you'll see it on the Data tab in the ribbon, 21 in…
