From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Create multiple range names from the top row and/or left column

Create multiple range names from the top row and/or left column - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Create multiple range names from the top row and/or left column

- [Instructor] In Excel, you can create a range name. 2 It can refer to a single cell or a group of cells. 3 And range names can be really valuable in formulas. 4 And there's a very quick way 5 to apply certain kinds of range names. 6 Many times when you've got a list, 7 like the one we're seeing here in columns O through I, 8 you've got headings across the top 9 and down the left hand side. 10 What if we create a range name for January 11 to refer to these cells just to the right 12 and similarly with the other months as well. 13 And also with the items across the top, 14 have the word paper refer to these cells here. 15 We can do this very quickly 16 simply by highlighting all of these cells, 17 and then on the formulas tab, in the ribbon, 18 go to the option, Create From Selection, 19 automatically generate names from the selected cells. 20 We're going to create names 21 based on what is in the top row and left…
