From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Create a number series with the Ctrl key and left/right mouse button

Create a number series with the Ctrl key and left/right mouse button - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Create a number series with the Ctrl key and left/right mouse button

- [Instructor] At first glance, it may look 2 as if this worksheet is dependent upon a lot of data entry, 3 but in nearly all cases, except for the data out 4 to the right columns Q 5 and S, the entries in row 2 were all that were necessary. 6 In fact, I'm going to remove all the data 7 from rows 3 downward, press delete. 8 Anytime you have a single day entry, 9 if you want next day, next day, next day, point to 10 that fill handle in the lower right hand corner, 11 hold down the left mouse button and drag downward to get day 12 after day after day. 13 If you start with any date 14 and drag that fill handle rightward, the same sort 15 of thing happens if you drag upward from a date cell entry. 16 It goes backward in time. 17 Same thing happens when you drag leftward. 18 I don't need this data here. 19 I'll simply highlight it and delete. 20 Same thing happens with weekdays. 21 You don't want Saturday, Sunday in the…
