From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Control gridlines in charts and on worksheets

Control gridlines in charts and on worksheets - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Control gridlines in charts and on worksheets

- [Instructor] In Excel, the term gridlines 2 could be used in different ways. 3 On this worksheet, we see three different charts. 4 The blue chart just to the right of the data 5 is a clustered column chart, 6 and it's got gridlines in it, horizontal gridlines. 7 We often see them in column charts. 8 The chart to the right of that is the line chart. 9 It too has horizontal gridlines. 10 The chart below the data over in the left hand side, 11 the one with a reddish pink background, 12 has some faintly visible vertical gridlines. 13 Now, in the background, 14 we also see gridlines on the worksheet itself. 15 And of course they're different. 16 On the worksheet to the left called borders, 17 there are no gridlines whatsoever there, 18 but there are some border features. 19 Now, in another weekly tip, we talked a lot about 20 how to apply and remove these, 21 but just as a reminder, 22 anytime you simply want to put…
