From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Contrasting uses of clustered column and stacked column charts

Contrasting uses of clustered column and stacked column charts - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Contrasting uses of clustered column and stacked column charts

- [Instructor] If you work with column and bar charts, 2 probably the two most common chart types in Excel, 3 you're likely to encounter the terms Clustered, 4 Clustered Column, Clustered Bar, 5 and also Stacked, as in Stacked Column, Stacked Bar. 6 There's also another kind of Stacked option 7 you probably don't see as often, 100% Stacked Column, 8 and its counterpart, the 100% Stacked Bar, 9 and all six of these are being displayed 10 on this worksheet here. 11 Typically, you would not be using all these, of course, 12 at the same time. 13 From time to time, the question comes up, 14 should I be using a Clustered Column chart 15 or a Stacked Column chart? 16 A lot of people don't even see the word Clustered. 17 They simply create a chart 18 and they compare this one 19 with the Stacked Column chart to the right, maybe. 20 Any advantages, any differences here? 21 First thought is if we're looking for individual…
