From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Adjust banded-row formatting

Adjust banded-row formatting - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Adjust banded-row formatting

- [Instructor] When you convert data to a table, 2 you get lots of visual features, 3 and probably what stands out most obviously 4 is what we call banded rows. 5 I've got a list of data here. 6 I'm going to click on it and double click the bottom edge 7 of a cell to remind myself how many rows are in this list. 8 Goes down to row 675. 9 I'm going to double-click the top edge of that cell. 10 Now, the list might grow, it might shrink, 11 but if you convert data to a table, 12 you've got lots of advantages. 13 We can do this one of four ways. 14 We can press control L or press control T. 15 Think of L for list, T for table. 16 On the home tab, there's an option right here, 17 format as table, it's in the styles group. 18 The description there probably doesn't do it justice 19 in terms of, if you were unfamiliar with the feature, 20 would this entice you to use it? 21 "Quickly convert a range of cells 22 to a table…
