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Compare and contrast multiple column sorting with SORT and SORTBY

Compare and contrast multiple column sorting with SORT and SORTBY - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Compare and contrast multiple column sorting with SORT and SORTBY

- [Instructor] Excel's relatively new functions, sort and sortby are dynamic array functions. And they are ideal for creating what we might call subordinate lists. I've got a master list of employees in columns A through G, and they're in order by department. I need to keep that order, but I also want to have another list, possibly on the same worksheet as we see here to the right over in column I or maybe on a different worksheet in the same workbook, maybe even in a different workbook. But what we want to be able to be sure of is anytime we make changes to the source data over here in columns A through G, we want these subordinate lists to react immediately and they will if we use either of these two functions. Now in general, the sort function is shorter, tends to be faster to set up. sortby is more capable when we're working with multiple level sorts. So in cell I2 I'll simply use the sort function equals sort left…
