From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth

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Use INDIRECT to return references specified by text strings

Use INDIRECT to return references specified by text strings

From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth

Use INDIRECT to return references specified by text strings

- [Instructor] An unusual lookup function is called Indirect. It's one of those functions where when you first see the description, you're not quite sure what it does. If you go to the Formulas tab in the ribbon, click the Category, Lookup and Reference and slide over Indirect. You'll see the description returns the reference specified by a text string. Let's use it in an example in this worksheet called Indirect. Now, what we want to do in this worksheet is get information from other worksheets in the same workbook. And off to the right, you'll see California, Texas, Florida, and New York sheets. And formulas up here in these cells right here are based on data. I'll just double click on one of them, say the one in B3, and you'll quickly see what's happening. This is the total data from California through New York, cell B3. Now, what we really want to pick up here, and we can do this in different ways, but we…
