From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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- Excel gives us a lot of options for rounding numbers. In this table, we start with the values column and those are numbers that we're going to round in various ways and compare what they do. Here we go. We're going to start with =ROUND open parentheses, what is the number we want? I want that number, comma, the number of digits, and I'm going to put 1 right there. As we go forward, we're going to be looking at the column headers for what we're going to do, like Round, 1, Round, 3 eventually, get out to Trunc, 3. Okay, so in rounding, I head it to round to one decimal place. And you see that it turned 10.095 into 10.1. 12.5, is still 12.5, but let's expand the number of decimal places, just to see. Look at that. Yep. Everything is a 0. So I'm going to put this back to one decimal place. All right, =ROUNDDOWN Double click The number That's the number, comma We want to round down to, three digits. And…
