From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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- [Instructor] Let's do some statistics. We're not going to get deep into it, but I just want to show you more about what Excel can do for you on an advanced level. Here, we have these musicians and instruments. Hector on guitar all the way through to Cristiano on keys and Zack on percussion. Question. How many bands can we create from these six people and musicians? Let me move this out of the way, and you can too if you following along. All right, we got permutation one would have Ardit on guitar, Tabby on vocals, Cristiano on bass, Zack on drums, Hector on keys, and Portia on percussion. And yes, there's this background assumption that everybody can play all of these instruments. All right? And so we got three different permutations of these six people and instruments. Here is how we do it. I'm going to go to sheet one here. We got six band members, six instruments. All right, so the first thing that we can do,…
