From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

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Tools for loading data into Snowflake

Tools for loading data into Snowflake - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

Tools for loading data into Snowflake

- Now we're starting to get deeper into how Snowflake works. It's worth highlighting what tools you can use to help you load and unload data from the platform. Snowflake provides a web interface that allows users to manage, analyze, and visualize their data directly. This interface recently received an upgrade and goes by the name snow site. This can be used for performing simple operations such as loading small data sets from your local machine or executing SQL queries. It's a great starting point for beginners due to its ease of use and direct access to Snowflake. SnowSQL is Snowflake's Command line client that lets you interact with your Snowflake database using SQL commands. It's robust, versatile, and is used for everything from managing data loading to running complex queries and scripts. This tool is typically used by developers and database administrators who need to automate tasks or prefer command line interfaces. Snowpipe is a data loading service offered by Snowflake. It's…
