From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

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How data applications work with Snowflake

How data applications work with Snowflake - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

How data applications work with Snowflake

- For the last lesson in this course, we're going to take a look at applications running on Snowflake. It's worth taking a moment to clarify what we mean when we talk about applications. The term applications, often shorten to apps, primarily refers to software programs that are designed to perform specific tasks for users by taking some form of input from the user and turning that input into a desired output. Take social media apps, they provide us with a way to share our thoughts to the wider world. If you're a photographer, an application like Photoshop allows you to take your photo from your camera and enhance it using various image manipulation techniques. Apps can be as simple as a calculator or notepad, or as complex as a multiplayer game. If we zero back in on Snowflake, when we talk about applications, we're typically referring to applications that interact with the Snowflake data warehouse to help you perform specific tasks, for example, functions related to your data. You…
