From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

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Data loading and unloading with Snowflake

Data loading and unloading with Snowflake - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

Data loading and unloading with Snowflake

- To leverage Snowflake you first need to understand how to get your data into and out of Snowflake. Let's break it down. First, we'll discuss data loading. This is the process of importing your data into Snowflake. This is typically achieved through two methods batch loading and continuous loading. In batch loading data is loaded at scheduled intervals. For example, daily sales reports to allow for analysis the next day, or maybe you work at a bank and you batch load transactions at the end of each day to perform end of day reconciliations. In all of these examples batch loading is a strategic decision. By consolidating data transmission into a single larger transfer these organizations can minimize disruption, manage bandwidth for their infrastructure and often improve overall system performance. In continuous loading data is streamed into Snowflake as soon as it's generated. Examples include e-commerce platforms where events downstream from a cell need to be acted on immediately…
